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Ready to adopt or foster a pet? Please complete the appropriate form below:
Adoption Form
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What is the name of the pet(s) you are interested in adopting?
Your Name
Partner's Name
Full Address
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address
Employer Name
Employer Phone Number
How Long Have You Lived at This Address?
Do You Own Your Home?
Type of Residence
Apartment, single-family, townhome, etc.
If Renting - Landlord Name
Landlord Phone Number
Have you received permission to have a pet?
If yes, you will be required to submit a letter.
Are there pet size/breed restrictions?
Is there a pet deposit?
How many adults reside with your family?
How many children live with you (ages)?
Please describe your household?
Quiet, average, active, noisy...
Does anyone in your family have pet allergies?
Is everyone in your family in agreement with adopting a pet?
Do you have time to provide adequate love and attention to the animal? Please describe how you will care for this animal.
Are you willing to allow a home check by a volunteer?
What other pets do you have (specify type and number) ?
Are these pets up to date on vaccines?
Are your cats declawed?
Have/ Has your dog(s) been around cats or cats around dogs?
Are these pets spayed/neutered?
Have you ever surrendered a pet? If so, why?
Have you ever euthanized a pet?
Have you ever lost a pet to an accident?
What is your idea of an ideal dog/cat and why?
Desired age?
Desired size:
Desired Sex:
Where will the dog/cat spend the day? (describe)
Where will the dog/cat spend the night? (describe)
Number of hours (average) animal will spend alone?
Will your pet be allowed on furniture? Counters? Bed? Car?
Who will have primary responsibility for this dog/cat’s daily care?
Who will have financial responsibility for this dog/cat?
Do you agree to provide regular health care by a Licensed Veterinarian?
Are you aware of the yearly cost of maintaining a healthy pet, consisting of but not limited to yearly vaccinations, monthly flea and Heartworm prevention, healthy food, toys and unforeseen incidences such as illness or an accident?
How much do you think this pet will cost your per year?
Which Veterinarian will you be using?
Include phone number
Prior Veterinarian
Include phone number
When the dog goes out, how do you plan to supervise it?
Do you have a fenced yard? Height?
If adopting a cat do you plan to let the cat outside?
Do you have a dog/cat door that leads outdoors?
How frequently do you leave town?
What arrangements would you make for your pet(s) if you leave town?
Have you ever owned a dog/cat?
Why do you want this dog/cat?
What temperaments are looking for in a pet?
How would you reinforce/encourage your pet for good behavior?
How would you manage/prevent your pet’s inappropriate behavior?
Have you ever crate trained a dog?
Are you willing to crate train this dog if needed?
Are you planning on taking your Dog/Puppy to obedience courses?
If you can no longer keep your pet do you agree to return it to Heather Holjes, Big Love, Community Animal Rescue?
Do you understand you are not to surrender this animal to a shelter, another rescue group, or rehome it yourself?
Please list two people who are familiar with both you and your pets that Big Love may contact:
Include phone number and relationship to you
Print name and date:
Please email a copy of your driver's license or state ID to All Applications must have ID submitted to be considered. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ All of the Information I have given is true and complete. This dog/cat will reside in my home as a pet. I will provide it with quality dog/cat food, plenty of fresh water, indoor shelter, affection, annual physical examination and vaccinations under the supervision of a licensed Veterinarian. Big Love, Community Animal Outreach reserves the right to deny an adoption at any time, for any reason. Thank you! Cat Adoption Fee $105 - $200 Dog Adoption Fee $200-$300 All fees go toward animal care, we are 100% volunteer driven. Make checks out to Community Animal Outreach or pay with a credit card on our website: THANK YOU!
Foster Form
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Your Name
Partner's Name
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address
Emergency Contact Name and Phone
Name/Age/Relationship of Other Household Members
Is anyone in your home allergic to animals?
Why do you wish to foster for Big Love?
Type of Residence
Apartment, single-family, townhome, etc.
Describe your yard, porches, pool and fence:
Landlord Phone Number
Have you received permission to foster a pet?
If yes, you will be required to submit a letter.
What types of animals are you interested in fostering?
Are you comfortable giving meds?
How will the animal be isolated from other pets for minimum 7 day quarantine?
Where will the animal be kept during the day? Night?
How many hours of the day are you usually away from home?
Do you work and/or go to school full or part time?
Current veterinarian name, phone and address:
May Big Love contact your vet for a refferal?
May Big Love conduct an initial home visit?
What other pets do you have (specify type and number) ?
Spayed/neutered, up to date on vaccines, cats combo tested, inside or outside, cat or dog friendly?
May Big Love conduct random home visits to check on the foster animal?
Please note any additional information that will help us find the best foster pet for you:
Please initial:
Legal ownership of all BIG LOVE animals remains with BIG LOVE until such time as proper adoption is completed. Only authorized represenatives of BIG LOVE will conduct adoption interviews and process adoptions, transfers, or relinquishments. Fosters are expected to comply with the adoption process. If a foster home decides to adopt the animal, the regular adoption fee applies. If a foster finds a suitable adoptive home for their animal, they will contact the foster coordinator for BIG LOVE before the animal is returned to BIG LOVE for surgery and the potential adopter will go through the application and home visit process.
Please initial:
Fosters are expected to care for the foster animal for the time agreed upon with BIG LOVE foster coordinator. Fosters animals are to be kept clean and sanitary for the health and well being. If an emergency arises, medical or otherwise, please contact the BIG LOVE foster coordinator immediately so medical care can be arranged.
Please initial:
By signing this form I/We are confirming all information is correct.
Please initial:
I/We have read and fully understand the BIG LOVE expectations.
Please initial:
I/We understand there have been no other representations or promises other then those included in the Foster Application.
Please initial:
I/We understand that all rescue volunteer work down with BIG LOVE is at my/our own risk.
Please initial:
I/We understand that cats are indoors only and dogs are never left alone, outside unsupervised.
Please sign:
I/We have read, understand and agree to abide by the conditions of the BIG LOVE Foster Home Agreements & Guidelines. I/we understand that all work done with BIG LOVE puruant to the this Foster Agreement is at my/our own risk, and I/we assume such risk freely and voluntarily. I/we hereby release BIG LOVE and its agents and employees of any and all liability, property damage, and medical costs while I/we am/are providing volunteer foster care for BIG LOVE. I/We, hereby for myself (ourselves), heirs, administrators and assigns, fully, irrevocably and unconditionally release and agree to hold harmless BIG LOVE and its individual members from any and all known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, suspected or unsuspected causes of action, charges, suits, debts, demands, claims, liabilities, losses, costs, expenses (including withour limitation, attorneys' fees) or damages, including but not limited to any medical costs, damage to property, persons or other pets, of any and every kind, nature and description, at law or in equity, in connection with or arising from while I am caring for the agreed rescue companion animal.
Parent or Guardian if Volunteer is under 21
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